Junque from the Trunque is a little shop of big treasures! We carry anything and everything from Vintage to Antique to Modern. We love to repurpose & upcycle to create new useful items. We carry lots of the tools for you to make & create your own project.
We have several areas of interest in the shop:
Vintage Kitchen with Pyrex & Retro items
Coke Collectibles with Old & New
Disneyana with unique items
Vintage Christmas with Ceramic Christmas Trees and other holiday items.
Vintage & Retro Toys, Games, Dolls etc
Tobacciana with Art Deco Lighters and other smoking
Anitque & Vintage Cameras from Kodak to Polariods and all in between.
Waterford Crystal from bowls & vases to ornaments.
Huge Vintage Purse collection with mesh, beaded & box.
Reuge Music Boxes and other jewelry boxes.
Figurines from Dresdan to Lladro to Florence & Lenox.
Farmhouse Rustic with old feeders, troughs, water cans and enamelware.
A little bit of everything!